Installing Truely on a Network Locked Device

So, you've probably heard of people complaining their device is "network-locked" and wondered what all the fuss is about. Let's shed some light on this and see how it ties in with the modern marvel, eSIM.

What Does It Mean for a Phone to Be "Network-Locked"?

In today's world, many hear the term "network-locked" but don't really know what it means. This concept, though not new, is key to the flexibility you have with your mobile device.

Let’s break it down.

At the most basic level, a network-locked or carrier-locked phone is essentially tied or "locked" to a specific service provider. You can't just insert another carrier's SIM card and expect it to work.

When you buy a device from a carrier, often at a lower price or under a contract, it usually comes locked to that carrier's network. But why do carriers lock phones in the first place?

The Reason Behind the Lock

The rationale is twofold:

  1. Financial Assurance: Carriers often lower the phone price if you agree to use their service for a set time (usually 1-2 years). This ensures they recuperate their costs and possibly profit during your contract term.

  2. Customer Retention: By locking the device to their network, carriers make it less likely for customers to switch services. This strategy encourages brand loyalty, albeit through restriction rather than genuine preference.

But, it's essential to note that not all devices are sold locked. Many makers and sellers offer unlocked phones at full price, letting users choose their carrier and switch as they want.

Is Your Phone Locked? Here’s How to Check:

In most cases, you will be told explicitly upon purchase if your device is network-locked. If not, though, you can still easily check via your phone's settings. Here are just some examples of leading brands:

  • iPhone: Navigate to 'Settings' > 'Cellular' > 'Cellular Data Options.' If you see an option called 'Cellular Data Network,' your iPhone might be unlocked.

  • Google Pixel: Go to 'Settings' > 'Network & Internet' > 'Mobile Network' > 'Advanced.' If you find an option labeled 'Carrier,' your device could be unlocked.

  • Samsung: Insert a different carrier's SIM card. If you get a message prompting an unlock code, your Samsung is locked.

Network Locks in the Age of eSIM

With the rise of eSIMs, the conventional concept of network locks is evolving. While physical SIM cards can be swapped, an eSIM’s embedded nature offers a different challenge and opportunity.

Can the freedom of eSIM coexist with the confines of network-locked devices?

Benefits of Using eSIMs on an Unlocked Device

With the issues of using eSIM on locked phones clear, you might ask, "Why the hype about eSIM, especially on unlocked devices?"

The truth is, using an eSIM on an unlocked device can unlock (pun intended!) a world of possibilities. This can make your mobile experience more streamlined, secure, and convenient. Let’s break down these benefits:

1. Enhanced Security

  • Tamper-proof: One of the main advantages of eSIM technology is its embedded nature. Unlike old SIM cards that can be taken out, changed, or stolen, an eSIM stays in the phone, making it safer from tampering.

  • Digital Profiles: Since eSIM profiles are digital, there's no risk of damaging or misplacing a physical SIM. This also means no more juggling many SIM cards or worrying about losing them.

2. Unparalleled Convenience

  • On-the-fly Switching: Imagine being able to change your mobile plan or carrier without needing a new SIM card. With an eSIM, you can switch between profiles in a few taps, all from the comfort of your phone settings.

  • One Device, Multiple Numbers: Juggling work and personal numbers? Or perhaps you're a frequent traveler who needs a local number? With eSIM on an unlocked device, you can have multiple profiles active, switching between them as needed.

3. Travel Made Easy

  • Local Rates Anywhere: Say goodbye to exorbitant roaming charges. When traveling, you can easily download a local eSIM profile and enjoy local rates, all while retaining your original number.

  • Stay in Touch, Always: Whether you travel for work or fun, staying connected is key. With eSIMs like Truely, switching profiles is easy, making sure you're always reachable wherever you are.

Challenges of Using eSIM on Locked Phones

eSIM tech is promising, but mixing it with network-locked devices can be tricky. You might wonder why there are bumps in the road, given that eSIM is pegged as the future of mobile connectivity. Let’s uncover these challenges.

Common Error Messages When Attempting eSIMs on Locked Devices

Ever tried using an eSIM on a locked phone and been greeted by a bewildering error message? You're not alone. Here are some common error messages users encounter:

  • "Invalid QR Code" Despite having a valid eSIM profile, this message pops up due to restrictions imposed by the carrier.

  • "Unable to Add Cellular Plan" This is often a result of software incompatibilities or carrier-imposed restrictions.

  • "Activation Failed" This generally implies a mismatch between the eSIM profile and the locked carrier's requirements.

Tip: Some error messages might be vague, leaving users scratching their heads. Always refer to your carrier's support page or Truely’s eSIM troubleshooting guide for more clarity.

Decoding the Implications

These error messages aren’t just random obstacles; they signify deeper issues. Here's the breakdown:

  • Carrier Limits: Some carriers might say no to using eSIMs if you're under contract or have the device at a lower price.

  • Software Hurdles: eSIM is still a relatively new technology. Some locked devices might not have the software capability to handle eSIM profiles just yet.

  • Mismatched Profiles: The eSIM profile must be compatible with the network of the locked carrier. If there's a mismatch, activation will fail.

As frustrating as these challenges can be, they're an essential part of the evolving landscape of mobile communication. Recognizing them is the first step towards a solution.

How to Unlock a Network-Locked Device for eSIM Use

Having an unlocked device is like having the keys to mobile freedom, especially for making the most of Truely eSIM. If you're stuck with a network-locked phone and are wondering how to free it from its chains, this guide is for you.

Steps to Unlock Your Device:

  1. Contact Your Carrier: Before hunting for third-party unlocking services, start with your carrier. They'll often have procedures in place, and often, they might unlock your device for free if you meet certain criteria.

  2. Give Needed Info: Your carrier will usually ask for your phone's IMEI number (found in settings or on the box) and your account details. Ensure you have this information on hand.

  3. Follow Carrier Instructions: If your unlock request is approved, the carrier will provide you with a set of instructions to follow. This usually involves entering a unique code or connecting your phone to a computer.

  4. Test with Truely eSIM: Once unlocked, try setting up your Truely eSIM. If you don’t face any error messages we discussed earlier, congratulations – your device is truly free!

Note: While many carriers are helpful, some might have rules like being a customer for a while or making sure your device is fully paid.

Countries Banning the Sale of Locked Devices

Did you know that in some parts of the world, selling network-locked devices is illegal? Some countries have rules against carriers locking devices to protect consumer choice.

If you're buying a new device and eSIM convenience is high on your agenda, it might be worth checking local regulations.


The mobile revolution is undeniable. As the world shifts towards more efficient ways of communication, eSIM emerges as a frontrunner.

But, like any tech change, the real user experience depends on many things, with your device's network lock status being key.

But, even with a locked device, eSIMs like Truely still allow you to choose, switch, and manage different eSIM profiles. This makes travel, security, and day-to-day communication more effortless.

In short, getting into eSIMs and understanding network locks can help you be confident as you step into the future of communications.

Why stay locked when you can experience freedom?

Explore Truely eSIM and unlock a world of unparalleled connectivity.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I switch between different eSIM profiles on my phone?

Yes. One of the main advantages of eSIM technology is its ability to store multiple profiles. With the right phone, you can switch between eSIM profiles, which is great for frequent travelers. But, the exact number of profiles and the ease of switching might vary based on your device and carrier.

How do I know if my phone model supports eSIM?

Most modern smartphones come equipped with eSIM technology. You can check your phone's settings or specifications online. Or, check your device's user manual or go to your phone maker's official website. Don't forget we also have a comprehensive list of eSIM-compatible devices for your convenience.

Are there any fees associated with unlocking my phone?

Unlocking fees can vary. Some carriers might unlock your phone for free after some time, while others might charge, especially if under contract. It's best to talk to your carrier directly to know any costs or needs for unlocking.

What are the security benefits of using eSIM over traditional SIM cards?

eSIM offers enhanced security in several ways. Since it's embedded, it's not easily tampered with or removed, reducing the risks of SIM card cloning or theft. Plus, eSIM profiles can be remotely wiped if the device is lost, offering an added layer of security.

How does eSIM technology impact battery life and phone performance?

eSIM itself has a minimal impact on battery life or phone performance. How you use your phone, such as active data usage or roaming, has a more pronounced effect on battery life. As for performance, eSIM operates seamlessly in the background, ensuring your device runs smoothly.

Dive deeper into the world of eSIM with Truely's Comprehensive eSIM Guide.

Let's make every connection count!