Download the Truely App from the App Store for iOS devices or Play Store for Android models.
Upon opening the app for the first time, you’ll be asked for your permission to receive notifications from Truely.
Click ‘NEXT’ to see the overview of Truely’s features or ‘SKIP’ to go straight to the login page.
On the login page, you can either click ‘SKIP FOR NOW’ if you want to take a quick look at our eSIM plans or choose from the different login options to proceed with your own account.
You can choose to continue with Apple, Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts.
You can also click ‘SHOW ALL LOGIN METHODS’ to view other ways to sign in.
You can also click ‘CONTINUE WITH EMAIL’ to use your Truely account’s email address and password.
Note: The app will automatically detect if you have an existing account or not based on your login method. If you already have an account with Truely, you’ll be redirected to the homepage. If not, you’ll be prompted to create a new one. |
Add your Truely account’s email and click ‘SEND RESET LINK.’
Check your email’s inbox for the reset link message, or click ‘VIEW EMAIL’ to get redirected.
Click the ‘RESET PASSWORD’ link within the email sent to you.
IMPORTANT: If you did not initiate a password reset, click ‘SECURE ACCOUNT’ to alert Truely and see the steps to increase your account’s security.
Add your new password and log in again.
If everything goes well, you’ll be redirected to the homepage.
Add your preferred email address.
Choose a secure password.
You’ll be sent a confirmation link via email to verify your account.
Once everything is set, you’ll be redirected to the home page.
You can now:
check out our different local and regional plans in the HOME tab.
manage your eSIM and existing plans in the MY ESIM tab.
view our guides and help center articles in the HELP tab.
personalize your account in the MY ACCOUNT - ACCOUNT INFORMATION option.
A. Account Information
View the Full Name, Email Address, and Password associated with your account. (Note: You can edit your password, first name, and last name anytime.)
Link or unlink your social network accounts (Google, Apple, LinkedIn, Facebook).
Click on ‘SAVE CHANGES’ if you made edits to your profile.
If you need to edit or change your email address, please contact our Customer Support team at [email protected] or WhatsApp
If you want to deactivate your account, click on ‘DELETE ACCOUNT.’
WARNING! Once your account is deleted, all your plans are permanently removed and canceled as well. You can’t revert your account afterwards.
B. Account Balance
You can also buy more credit or top up your account balance at MY ACCOUNT - MY ESIM
View your Truely balance and transaction history at MY ACCOUNT - PURCHASE HISTORY
C. Payment Methods
View your saved payment methods. You can edit or delete accounts linked to your profile.
View Truely’s supported payment methods.
Link new payment methods if needed.
D. Purchase History
View your plan purchase
Filter based on type of purchase, date range, and country or region.
You have the option to contact support for any clarification or download an invoice per plan or transaction selected.
E. Settings
Change the app’s language to your preference.
Select the type of notifications, marketing alerts, and customized recommendations you want to receive.
Edit the app’s appearance in terms of font size or dark/light mode functionality.
Change your preferred currency.
F. More Info
See the ‘ABOUT TRUELY’ section for more information about our company and eSIM.
See the ‘PRIVACY POLICY’ section to know more about our privacy practices and how we use your information.
See the ‘TERMS & CONDITIONS’ section for details on the terms governing your use of our services.
If your app needs an update, an ‘UPDATE’ button will appear at the very bottom of the page.
Go to
On the login page, you can either click ‘SKIP FOR NOW’ if you want to take a quick look at our eSIM plans or choose from the different login options to proceed with your own account.
You can choose to continue with Apple, Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts.
You can also click ‘SHOW ALL LOGIN METHODS’ to view other ways to sign in.
You can also click ‘CONTINUE WITH EMAIL’ to use your Truely account’s email address and password.
Note: The site will automatically detect if you have an existing account or not based on your login method. If you already have an account with Truely, you’ll be redirected to the homepage. If not, you’ll be prompted to create a new one. |
Add your Truely account’s email and click ‘SEND RESET LINK.’
Check your email’s inbox for the reset link message, or click ‘VIEW EMAIL’ to get redirected.
Click the ‘RESET PASSWORD’ link within the email sent to you.
IMPORTANT: If you did not initiate a password reset, click ‘SECURE ACCOUNT’ to alert Truely and see the steps to increase your account’s security.
Add your new password and log in again.
If everything goes well, you’ll be redirected to the homepage.
Add your preferred email address.
Choose a secure password.
You’ll be sent a confirmation link via email to verify your account.
Once everything is set, you’ll be redirected to the home page.
You can now:
check out our different local and regional plans in the HOME tab.
manage your eSIM and existing plans in the MY ESIM tab.
view our guides and help center articles in the HELP tab.
personalize your account in the MY ACCOUNT - ACCOUNT INFORMATION option.